Join the Cornell Club of Boston for an evening of ice skating.
Skate @ Canal District Kendall is a seasonal outdoor ice skating rink located in the heart of Canal District Kendall, Cambridge, MA. This will be an informal meet up at the rink - connect with other Cornellians and come and go throughout the evening.
(Further Information here.)
Friday, January 31, 2020
6-8 p.m.
Skate @ Canal District Kendall
300 Athenaeum Street, Cambridge, MA. 02142
(5-10 minute walk from the Kendall T Station or Parking Garage at 350 Kendall Street, Cambridge)
Pay for your admission or skates at the Rink
$5 at the door for Adults; $3 for Seniors; $1 for Children 13 & Under; $8 to rent skates; $1 to rent a locker
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Sarah Baldessari at