Bring your beverage of choice, and make friends with Cornellians from all around: featuring the Cornell Clubs of Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte, Maryland, Seattle, Washington DC, Austria, Ireland, Milan, Rome, Switzerland, Toronto
Mingle in small discussion groups centered around Cornell-related themes. Share your favorite spots in Collegetown, reminisce on the festivities of Spring/Slope Day, and learn how Cornell has changed over the decades.
We will use Zoom video chat and split everyone into small breakout rooms, so everyone has a chance to talk and share with just a few people. We will rotate everyone around, so you will meet many Cornellians through the mixer. We will start the video chat a few hours early, so come early if you may need technical assistance, and we will help you before the mixer starts.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
2pm EDT start time
Register Here